This project encompasses the management, design, construction, operations and maintenance of a combined heating, chilling and generation plant on Montclair State University property.
Under the 2009 New Jersey Economic Stimulus Act, a new CHCP system was developed for the Montclair State University Campus. The $90 million public-private partnership is the second type for Montclair, and only the third in New Jersey, and enabled the University to replace its heating and cooling system without the construction being funded by the University or the state of New Jersey.
The new 5.4 MW CHCP system was built to replace existing energy plant. The project comprises a Solar Turbine Taurus 60 with dry low NOx combustion system 5.4 MW, Rentech HRSG Waste heat recovery unit (29 MMBtu/hr), 100,000 pph steam, York electric centrifugal chillers and York steam turbine drive chiller (4,300 tons).
The project’s development results in more cost-effective, efficient, and reliable delivery of heating, cooling, and electrical services to over 25 campus buildings.